How to shoot music video?

How to shoot music video?

What is the process of filming a music clip? What has to be done? How long does editing and post production take?

All of these question are answered in this article, where we will let you look behind the scenes of the filming of the music clip for Martyen.


1. Meeting

It all started with an introductory meeting, where we would discuss the vision and ideas behind the whole song with the client. The song is about friendship, childhood and has a happy feel to it, so that is what we based the ideas and proposals on. We also planned the shooting date.


2. Script

We worked all of the ideas into the script, so we don‘t forget anything and it is all writen down together. In the script we wrote down the schooting schedule of the music clip, to manage everything in time.



3. Location tour

Approxamitely a week before filming, we visited all the locations, photographed them and arranged the filming together with the client, so that everything would go smoothly on the spot. The chosen locations were Ctěnice castle, the area around Satalice, Kbely and the observation tower in Jenšten.


4. Filming

The whole clip was filmed in 1 filming day. Filming took place from morning to evening. Fortunately, the good weather contributed to the summer atmosphere of the clip. If you are interested in how the filming process went, here is a behind-the-scenes video from the filming.



5. Editing and Post – production

Because the music clip did not have any special effects, we were able to hand it over 10 days after filming. First we will do a rough edit, then we take a “break“ from the video for 1-2 days, so we can look at it again and iron out the details if needed. Then the clip is colored and the last touches are added. After that the clip is sent to the client for their approval. The whole clip was filmed with the Black Magic Pocket technique and accessories. We filmed in the RAW format, so that the color tone of the music clip is excellent. Judge for yourself. Here it is! 😊


How much does it cost to film this kind of music clip?

A similar music clip costs around 20-30 thousand Czech crowns and this includes a consultation before filming, location tours, filming, postproduction, a cameraman, director and makeup artist.

All price analyses can be found in this article.


It all depends on many factors, so don’t hesitate to contact us, we will be pleased to make you an individual offer.

Do you need to make a music clip? Contact us